Blockchain Powered Security
By bringing RWA on-chain, we bring the below benefits over traditional securities:
Decentralization (embracing Web3): Investors keep the digital certificates of their fractional ownership (i.e. security token) in their self-custody wallet, instead of in a private database of a centralized entity or institution, in book or tree format in the cap table via a third party custodial service, in a lawyer's filing cabinet somewhere or even on a napkin.
Extra layer of protection on investors: All the security token transfers are easily viewable and strictly immutable on the blockchain, which prevents financial frauds and scams
Increased transparency: Security tokens give issuers, investors, and agents access to the same source of truth, which is highly transparent, immutable, helps the cap table stay up-to-date and reduces chances of disputes around record keeping. Blockchain serves as a real-time distributed ledger that all parties can rely on, look up any time to get the latest data, or validate authenticity of any transactions while still maintaining user privacy. This transparent, complete and provably untampered distributed ledger also helps lower the difficulty and costs of auditing and regulating the underlying private security offering.
Automated security offering process Automated fractional ownership distribution and their corresponding interest/dividend distribution can help increase speed and safety, and lower the cost of capital as well as fraudulent risks.
New investment stability for investors: In the past, there were only 2 types of tokens: token cash, i.e. stablecoin, or token stock, i.e. currencies such as BTC/ETH. We’re providing a third asset class - “token bond”, that fills in the gap in the risk-return profile, allowing investors to diversify their portfolio.
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